
Sewer Jetter Winterization

When water freezes, it expands — think of the busted, frozen pipes you’ve seen on the job or how ice cubes get larger as they form in a tray. Even a small amount of residual water turning to ice in the pump, lines, and hoses of your jetter can cause serious — sometimes catastrophic — damage. The cost to repair such damage is expensive, not to mention the losses incurred from having your jetter out of the field. Fortunately, this damage is preventable through proper winterization techniques, so there’s no need to stow away your jetter until spring. – From Sewer Jetter Winterization by Samantha Long, on Read the full article here.

Our Spartan experts have created step-by-step videos that will walk you through the process of winterizing your jetter. These precautionary procedures can help deter damage due to freezing and cracking; damage that can mean high repair costs and lost jobs, which means less income to your company.

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