The 468 and O’Brien turn your jetter into a high-powered cleaning system. Below you can get acquainted with the features and operation of the 468.

Root cutter blades and hydraulic root cutters are most often used when tree roots, seeking a consistent source of moisture, have invaded a sewer pipe. The possibility of root intrusion especially rises during the summertime due to increased plant growth from lawn watering.
When left alone, these intrusions cause not only backup issues but will eventually destroy pipelines. And the prevalence of aging and damaged pipes in the United States is a serious problem; the 2013 American infrastructure grade report recently published by the ASCE has given American wastewater systems a "D" overall. Certainly, clogged and damaged pipes--whether due to roots, FOG (fats, oil, grease), or both--are contributing to this epidemic, and the need to keep lines clean and functioning is more crucial than ever. The usage of drain cutters will prevent the loss of a pipe's structural integrity, removing the roots and cleaning the line so it can work properly.
Spartan Tool's line of root cutter blades and hydraulic root cutters (to be used with a hydro jetter) are designed for professionals seeking professional-quality results. They are frequently used for a variety of pipe sizes ranging from 2-18" and in a variety of settings, be it residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, or institutional.
Manual root cutting is by far the preferred method for cleaning roots from sewer lines. Line replacement can be very costly and is often unnecessary, and chemical root cleaners cannot tackle root intrusions as effectively or completely. When used correctly, blades and hydraulic cutters will also slow if not stop roots from growing back.