
Top 4 Reasons Your Plumbing Business Should Offer Drain Cleaning Services

Posted by Spartan Tool on Sep 12, 2023

Top 4 Reasons Your Plumbing Business Should Offer Drain Cleaning Services

If you own a plumbing business and don't offer drain cleaning services, you're leaving money on the table. Drain cleaning is not just an opportunity for additional revenue; it's a strategic move that can enhance your existing plumbing services and help you tap into a vast and growing market. In this blog post, we'll explore the compelling reasons why your plumbing business should consider adding drain cleaning services to its offerings.

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1. A Lucrative Market Awaits

The demand for drain cleaning services is substantial, and here's why:

  • Extensive Sewer Infrastructure: In the United States alone, there are more than 800,000 miles of public sewers and over 500,000 miles of private sewers. This vast network is susceptible to blockages and clogs over time, creating a consistent need for drain cleaning.
  • Frequent Sewer Backups: Annually, more than 500,000 sewer backups occur in the US. These incidents can cause significant inconveniences and costly damage for homeowners and businesses alike, emphasizing the need for timely drain cleaning services.

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2. It’s a Natural Extension of Your Plumbing Business

Adding drain cleaning services to your plumbing business is a logical step for several reasons:

  • Additional Services: Offering drain cleaning allows you to provide a comprehensive suite of plumbing solutions. This not only caters to your customers' diverse needs but also establishes your business as a one-stop-shop for all their plumbing requirements.
  • Upsell Opportunities: When you identify a plumbing issue during a service call, you can upsell drain cleaning services. This not only benefits your customers by addressing potential problems proactively but also boosts your revenue.
  • Revenue Stream: Drain cleaning can create an additional and consistent revenue stream for your company, contributing to its financial stability.
  • Retaining Loyal Customers: By offering a wider range of services, you can prevent your loyal customers from seeking assistance from competitors. Keep your clients within your network by catering to all their plumbing needs.

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3. Attract New Business

Entering the drain cleaning market can also help you gain new customers:

  • High Demand: As mentioned earlier, there is a constant demand for drain cleaning services. By meeting this demand efficiently, you can attract new clients who may eventually become long-term customers.
  • Customer Loyalty: Solving a customer's drain cleaning problem promptly and professionally demonstrates your commitment to excellent customer service. Satisfied clients are more likely to return for future plumbing needs and refer your business to others.

4. There’s a Low Barrier to Entry

Unlike some specialized services, drain cleaning has a low barrier to entry:

  • Licensing: In most states, a specific license for drain cleaners is not required, simplifying the regulatory aspect of offering these services.
  • Inventory: Drain cleaning does not necessitate a substantial inventory investment. Basic equipment, such as a mechanical drain cleaning machine, is all you need to get started.
  • Affordable Start-Up: You can begin by outfitting just one of your plumbing trucks with the necessary equipment, making it a manageable and cost-effective addition to your business.

Incorporating drain cleaning services into your plumbing business is a smart move. It not only diversifies your service offerings but also taps into a substantial and growing market. With a low barrier to entry and the potential for increased revenue, there's no reason not to seize this opportunity. Don't leave money on the table – start offering drain cleaning services today and watch your plumbing business flourish.

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